Using the laptops to log into Mathletics
Wheal Unity had a fun morning on the laptops. They were super excited to set up their avatars ready for Mathletics. Logins have been sent home in their reading records. Please have a play around on some of the games ready for the first homework which will be set next Friday.
The Validity of Artefacts
Wheal Fortune were engrossed in their history lesson using the laptops today where they interrogated the validity of artefacts.
Letter Writing
It was great to see Wheal Fortune enhancing their letter writing this week by using the laptops to research relevant statistics.
Wheal Busy Try Out the New Laptops
On Monday, Wheal Busy had their first go on the new laptops. They worked in groups to research plastic pollution facts and statistics for their persuasive speeches. Working as a team, each group added their findings to a shared online document so the whole class can use the facts that were found. This was the first time anyone had worked like this and there was a positive attitude all round!
Using our New Laptops
Wheal Unity didn’t waste anytime using the new laptops in class today. Using a Kahoot quiz, they tested their geographical knowledge.