Welcome to all our new starters for 2025!
We want to make sure that your child's first experiences of school are happy and positive. We offer a comprehensive induction programme which helps your child to feel happy and secure in school and means that you can relax, knowing that you and your child are well prepared. It is the start of a partnership between you and all of us at school. We want to make sure that right from the start it is a positive relationship and that you feel confident that you can come to us with any little niggles and feel that we are all working together for the same reason - to make sure your child is happy and fulfils their personal and academic potential in their time with us.
At Treleigh school we know a calm, smooth transition into school is vitally important for children. With this in mind, we put your child at the centre of our transition arrangements and ensure there is a strong key person system in place, which enables your child to form a positive attachment within our setting. We offer home visits, which are followed by ‘stay and play’ sessions, where we welcome you into our setting to become familiar with the environment. As an Early Years setting, we know that working closely with you will ensure that your child reaches their full potential. We build up a strong relationship with parents and carers and frequently invite them in for various events over the course of the year. Besides this, we operate an ‘open door’ policy, which means a member of staff will always be available at the start and end of your child’s school day, should you wish to discuss anything.
Our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) consists of two Reception classes. Within each class, the day consists of adult focus sessions along with child-initiated play. During child-initiated play, the children mix with their peers across both classes and have the chance to apply the knowledge and skills taught during their focus sessions. Naturally at the year progresses, focus sessions are longer and there is a greater emphasis on Literacy and maths as we start to prepare children for their move to Year 1.
New Starter Brochure
This brochure includes all the information you need to know for your child starting with us. If you have any queries, please contact school. Our staff will be happy to help.