
Community Primary School

Treleigh, Redruth, Cornwall TR16 4AY

01209 216600

At Treleigh our team is able to support both behaviour and learning. Our team is highly specialised in many areas to deal with concerns and issues that might arise from day-to-day with our pupils. Building upon our behaviour processes, we offer a Restorative Practice approach within the school. Restorative approach is very much about resolving differences that can occur and finding a pathway forward so that kindness and justice can be used to move conflicts forward to a place of acceptance and forgiveness. Schools are places where learning about relationships and developing relationships is part of our wider social learning experiences. We have two trained facilitators at Treleigh who have been trained by RestorativeJustice4schools inline with the National Restorative Justice Council.


If you have any questions about the restorative justice programme feel free to request to speak with our trained facilitators below.

Mrs Barton Mrs Wills